Get back to a good nights sleep!

Do these sound familiar?

  • You are up all hours of the night tending to your baby- rocking, feeding, holding- yet no matter what you do, your baby wakes as soon as you lay them down in their crib.

  • You are experiencing frequent night wakings.

  • You are sleep deprived, resulting in having a hard time getting through your day only to dread bedtime knowing your baby will soon be waking.

It doesn’t have to be this way! With Seedlings Sleep Consulting we will work together to create a personalized plan for your baby and their bedtime needs. Lets work together to getting you and your baby a full nights rest!


Dorothys thorough sleep plan helped us get our baby sleeping through the night by night 3! - Lauren

My husband and I love our time together after baby is asleep, all thanks to Dorothy for making this happen. -Sophie

Founder of Seedlings Sleep Consulting

Hello! My name is Dorothy and I am the founder of Seedlings Sleep Consulting. I am a mom of 2 beautiful little seeds, a Certified Postpartum Doula and a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. While working with newborns and very tired parents I learned one thing- sleep seems impossible! I personally struggled with frequent wakings overnight so I know the struggle and desire to have my baby sleeping through the night! Thats why I am here, to educate you and form a personalized sleep plan to get you and your family well rested and ready to take on your day enjoying time with your littles!